This spicy, healthy chicken recipe can be made with different vegetable combinations.
Breakfast doesn’t get any easier than this. Encourage kids to make their own shakes — a great way to introduce them to basic cooking skills (and tofu).
Dandelion leaves are an excellent source of calcium, fiber, vitamins A and C, and iron. Try them in this delicious salad.
This main dish salad features quinoa, an ancient Inca grain. High-protein quinoa cooks in 15 minutes, so it’s great for fast meals.
In a twist on the Spanish classic, we substituted carrot juice for tomato juice.
The sweet aroma of tarragon complements the taste of fresh spring asparagus exceptionally well in this light, refreshing soup.
Kidney beans and winter squash make sweet partners in this rib-sticking soup.
These burgers are delicious served with a side of stir-fried vegetables or open-face on rice cakes with sweet-and-sour sauce.
This salad can be served as an entree or a side dish.